Change a Child's Life Today

Create your own awesome fundraising event, raise funds for your birthday, in memoriam and more… you can even donate your hair.

However you choose to help, you are doing a truly wonderful thing for kids in need.

View Guides and Resources

Get Active

Run, cycle or swin for kids in need! Join an existing event like Launceston Marathon set up a sponsored lunchtime walk with your workmates or challenge yourself to complete k's for kids! 

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Donate your hair

Your hair is given a second life and made into a wig for someone who has lost their hair due to a long-term medical condition – giving back the gift of confidence and self-esteem.

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Celebrate With Us

If you have an upcoming celebration, why not make it more meaningful by supporting kids in need? Ask your friends and family to donate in lieu of gifts… who really needs another set of bath towels?

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Raise Funds at Work

Get your team together and make a real impact on the lives of children and young people - from a friendly in office competition to raising donations through events like a regular casual Friday.

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Fundraise at School

Join Variety's Kids with Heart crew and fundraise with your school friends. Hold a talent contest, a movie day, a school fun run or a zany dress day! We got all the ideas you need!

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Create Your Own

Create your own fundraiser. Hold a special event, declutter and run a sale, a bake off, borrow one of our collection tins...the possibilities are endless! We can't wait to hear about your ideas. 

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Other Ways You Can Help

Join an Event      Support a Fundraiser      Donate Today

Get in touch

Contact us on to discuss your ideas, get fundraising assistance and more!